Monday, November 06, 2006

Proud Mama?

I am so proud! I just had one of my knitting girls come in and show me her purse that she designed and knit all by herself! I feel like a proud mama!

It is so cute. She knitted a rectangle for the body and long skinny rectangles that she rolled into a spiral to make the sides. She sewed it all together and added a crocheted handle. She even lined the inside!

Okay- this is why I have such a hard time saying no to "Why can't we have Knitting Club now?"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, it's so cute! I didn't know you didn't have a knitting club this year - What happened??

6:17 PM  
Blogger The Woolgatherer said...

I decided that I did too much last year and I needed to put myself first. I made a commitment to doing only one day after school per week, but sometimes it is hard to stick to that goal. I will have knitting club after the holidays.

6:06 AM  

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