Monday, November 06, 2006


My Einstein coat is coming...oh so slowly... coming. I know it is called the Einstein Coat because you are supposed to feel like a genius when it is finished. But I am not sure if I am going to feel like a genius or a moron for having knitted something so boring! I am itching to start my cool new "smittens" mittens. Dieing for something other than garter stitch, something with color!

Color...what a wonderful thing! I will never again take color for granted. I promise.

See, even my cat, Winston, looks bored! He doesn't even want to play with all of the yarn ends!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, but it's gonna look SO Beautiful - and you can always throw in some other colors toward the end, can't you??

6:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matching your coat to your cat? Brilliant! Why didn't I think of that? No more lint rollers needed. Seriously though, love the Einstein!

7:02 AM  

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