hee hee. I never expected to make it onto your blog! I immediately thought of you when I saw that postcard, and knew you'd laugh.
Anyway, I've started to take up knitting again after a long hiatus. I plan to first make two hats. I have plenty of scarves so I'd then like to graduate to mittens. For some reason, the last time I tried to make mittens it was a total disaster. Anyway, I should probably find a knitting group around here.
You probably wondered how I found this so quickly. You're in my google reader account, so I get instant updates from your blog :)
Thanks! I just finished my second hat from that wonderful yarn that we got in Boston. I had originally made a scarf from it, wound WAY too tightly. SO I unravelled it and saved it for something special. Once I finish it entirely, I plan to post a picture on my blog. :)
hee hee. I never expected to make it onto your blog! I immediately thought of you when I saw that postcard, and knew you'd laugh.
Anyway, I've started to take up knitting again after a long hiatus. I plan to first make two hats. I have plenty of scarves so I'd then like to graduate to mittens. For some reason, the last time I tried to make mittens it was a total disaster. Anyway, I should probably find a knitting group around here.
You probably wondered how I found this so quickly. You're in my google reader account, so I get instant updates from your blog :)
Yeah! I am so glad to hear that you are knitting again!
Thanks! I just finished my second hat from that wonderful yarn that we got in Boston. I had originally made a scarf from it, wound WAY too tightly. SO I unravelled it and saved it for something special. Once I finish it entirely, I plan to post a picture on my blog. :)
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