Friday, January 19, 2007

Uh oh!

I know I said I would finish my UFO's before starting a new project, but I have run into slight problem. Lack of yarn. It is not that I don't have any yarn. B would say I have plenty of yarn. So...if it isn't the lack of yarn...what is it?

It is that I can't get at the yarn. In fact, I think the yarn is taunting me, "You can't get me, you can't get me!" Arrgh! Let me show you this pic and maybe you'll understand...

Okay, now that I have completely embarrassed myself by showing you our "junk room" (as we affectionately call it) I need to explain myself. You see, this fall was really crazy. For those who know me you know that my Grandma stayed with us for a couple of months and were are many other things going on. So...what does this have to do with the yarn? Well, when we cleaned out the room where Grandma was going to stay (this is where this particular yarn was residing...I think I have yarn in every that bad?) I moved said yarn to the "junk room" because we were working so fast and things got piled on it over the fall and holidays. You see my problem.

But that is okay because last night I decided this must be a sign that I should really be working on what I want to work on which is the lovely green shawl from Morehouse Farm. So, despite the fact that I may never finish the sweater that is so close to being done as noted below I am working on a very cool project!

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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Next UFO...

Here's my next UFO. I started this cozy sweater last winter and stopped it when I made changes to the sleeves, didn't write the changes down, started the second sleeve, worked it to 3/4 the way done, and realized that I had cast on the wrong number of stitches, and increased at the wrong spots! Ugh!

I have already sewed the shoulder seams, and part of the side seams. This should be easy...right? I just hope it still fits!

One UFO Down!

Alright UFO is done! I finished the baby jacket last night. I sewed on the buttons and the label and it is really cute! The pictures don't due it justice!

I love these buttons! They are Zecca buttons which I purchased on sale when Needleworks closed this summer.

To come...the next UFO project!

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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Multiple UFO Sightings! I have many things that I would like to improve in my life, but you have to start small. One of my New Year's Resolutions is to finish some of my UnFinished Objects.

I am starting with this baby jacket that was started for a friend's new baby.

The pattern was straight forward and I even had the exact yarn the pattern called for. The pattern is a Mac and Me pattern. The only catch---the baby came early! I lost interest and went onto other knitting adventures.
But, don't worry. I am back at it and luckily the baby was small to begin with and the jacket is knitting up larger than I thought. So it all works out in the end.

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Friday, January 05, 2007

Toasty Noggins

Hats are very satisfying to knit--they go quickly and are utilitarian. And these hats were fun to knit.

The first is a kit from Morehouse Farm that I bought on my last trip to Rhinebeck. Chocolate brown is becoming another of my favorite colors (what girl doesn't like chocolate!) and it looked cute with the pink. The flowers were fun to knit as well and were surprisingly easy. I decided to add the pearl buttons for a little something extra.

The fish bone hat is for my 10 year old cousin. It is knit from the Mission Falls 1824 "Just Kidding" patternbook. The yarn is nice and soft to knit with and superwash (we love our superwash). It comes in a rainbow of colors...just look at the colours!

I was supposed to have it finished for Christmas Eve, but it didn't happen. I enjoyed the challenge of the intarsia fish bone pattern. It is the perfect way to learn something new. Small and one color! I really hope he likes the hat--if not I already have other takers.

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Thursday, January 04, 2007

Ooh la la!

Purl is the cutest little shop! (Little is the operative word here) Knitters are greeted by the little sweaters hanging on the door-- each with a letter to spell out PURL.

My awesome brother, G, (also a knitter!) gave me and his girlfriend gift certificates to Purl for Christmas. What a guy! I love going to new yarn shops to see what things they have that I may never seen--oh the adventure of it all. So with the gift certificate burning a hole in my pocket we went in.

I bought a skein of 100% angora from France in the most beautiful lilac color. They had baby booties knit up in the angora from the "Last Minute Knitted Gifts" book by Joelle Hoverson.

I also purchased a magazine I can never find around here "Selvedge". It is an artsy take on anything fiber related.

I was very happy with my purchases and had waited outside with B and G while K had her yarns made into balls (there wasn't really enough room for a swift and ball winder--we're talking tiny!)

My bro is sitting next to me on the very convient bench for the knitting muggles. (Don't worry folks--I am done with my purchases and made B take our picture!)

I'm so happy!

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