Thursday, November 09, 2006

Hanks of shingles?

Okay- I just thought my knitting vernacular was finally coming in handy.

Background info to the conversation: We have a leak in the roof that B is going to fix this weekend.

B: I might need more shingles to make the repair on the roof. I better check the package of old shingles to see what the dye lot is in case I need to call the company and find more.

E: Wow--that is cool. They call the color of shingles by dye lots. It is just like yarn!

B: Actually, they don't. They call them aggregate lots. I just thought if I used the term dye lot you would know what I was talking about.

E: Oh.

B: But I might need a few hanks of shingles. Hee. Hee.

E: Very funny.

I'm not sure if I should be ecstatic or offended? Here I thought my knittin' lingo was coming in handy and the rest of the world was following the brilliant vocab of knitters. But my bubble was burst and my hubby (knowing that all I think about is knitting) lowered the construction lingo so I could have some chance of comprehending.

Monday, November 06, 2006


My Einstein coat is coming...oh so slowly... coming. I know it is called the Einstein Coat because you are supposed to feel like a genius when it is finished. But I am not sure if I am going to feel like a genius or a moron for having knitted something so boring! I am itching to start my cool new "smittens" mittens. Dieing for something other than garter stitch, something with color!

Color...what a wonderful thing! I will never again take color for granted. I promise.

See, even my cat, Winston, looks bored! He doesn't even want to play with all of the yarn ends!

Proud Mama?

I am so proud! I just had one of my knitting girls come in and show me her purse that she designed and knit all by herself! I feel like a proud mama!

It is so cute. She knitted a rectangle for the body and long skinny rectangles that she rolled into a spiral to make the sides. She sewed it all together and added a crocheted handle. She even lined the inside!

Okay- this is why I have such a hard time saying no to "Why can't we have Knitting Club now?"